전도를 위한 사람들의 신분과 수준 (2009-05-22) | |
The status and level of people needed for the sake of evangelism (2009-05-22) | |
전도의 주역 (2009-05-21) | |
Main figure of evangelism (2009-05-21) | |
伝道の主役 (2009-05-21) | |
나의 현장에서 무엇을 체험해야 하나요? (2009-05-20) | |
What must I experience in my field? (2009-05-20) | |
私の現場で何を体験すべきでしょうか (2009-05-20) | |
눈을 떠서 보아야 할 것 (2009-05-19) | |
What we must open our eyes and see (2009-05-19) |