
Evangelists who possess the content

페이스북 공유 카카오톡 공유
Evangelists who possess the content

Acts 16:32~40 The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole family. (34)

♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #411 There is a Peace in My Heart (#473 in previous version)

 When we are able to enjoy the Gospel, we will be able to see evangelism and the day will come in which we will be able to see missions. God will fulfill works that are unfathomable in our imaginations the day the Remnants arise. Till that day, we must hold deeply onto the covenant and continue the work of enjoying the Gospel and evangelism. Once we continue to pray regarding the Gospel and evangelism, we will find ourselves accurately aligned with God’s time schedule. If we pray for this through scheduled and continuous prayer, the core of our beings will be aligned with God as well. It is from this point that God will give us strength. Also, deep prayer for world conquest will well up within us, and we will gain leisure and judgment.

1. Nothing can overcome an evangelist who possesses the Gospel.
 The central crux of the 66 books of the Bible is Christ (Genesis 3:15, Exodus 3:18, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 16:16). The Early Church members possessed the most important content of the Gospel. They possessed the content of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:1), the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3), and the filling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). A person who possesses the Gospel and knows about the kingdom of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit needs only to pray from this point.

2. If we simply hold onto the Word, answers will rise according to the Word.
 The Word began to be fulfilled in earnest in the field where the Holy Spirit worked on the day of Pentecost in Mark’s upper room (Acts 2:14~21). Thereafter, 3,000 disciples arose in various places across the field (Acts 2:41). The paralytic begging in front of the temple gate called Beautiful heard the Gospel that Peter proclaimed and the work of his healing took place (Acts 3:1~12). Peter, who grew fearful even before a powerless little girl, now boldly proclaimed that Jesus was the Christ even in a court of law (Acts 4:12). Thereafter, the fulfillment of the Word took place continuously (Acts 6:7).

3. God continued to work without pause.
 When Peter proclaimed the name of Jesus toward the paralytic, he was able to stand up and walk for the first time in his life (Acts 3:1~12). God completely transformed the persecutor Paul into the evangelist Paul (Acts 9:1~5), and through trials and tribulations opened the doors of world missions (Acts 11:19). When the Early Church members gathered in Mark’s house to pray, God broke down Herod. If we hold onto the Gospel and evangelism from now on and continue scheduled prayer, there will come a day in which we will connect with God. Our prayer topics will connect with God, our evangelism directions will be aligned with that of God, our dual contracts will connect, the Word will connect, and our futures will connect.

-Allow us to enjoy the blessing of becoming an evangelist who saves souls while thinking solely about evangelism.

Core Training Message / 2010.3.27


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