Salvation is God’s work
Exodus 14:1~13 Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.” (13)
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #300 Just When I am Disheartened (#406 in previous version)
The most important part of the Christian life is salvation. Salvation, which is accomplished through Christ’s blood, can be compared to the exodus from Egypt. Salvation frees us from Satan’s power and solves our problems, in the same way that the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. Because God’s children have received salvation, they must seek God’s answers and experience His power.
1. God who works in the midst of crisis
If you look at the miracles of the Bible, there is a common theme. When it seemed there were terrible crises, God worked the greatest miracles. The flood during Noah’s time was a great crisis for the Israelites and the entire world, but God planned to build an ark, in which everyone who entered it was saved. The flood represented an opportunity for God to demonstrate His salvation. Similarly, it was part of God’s plan to demonstrate His salvation through the exodus from Egypt and the crossing of the Red Sea. It was a golden opportunity for God to demonstrate His salvation through Daniel and his three friends when they faced death. All the events of the Early Church demonstrated God’s power and salvation. Likewise, crises are meant as opportunities for us to understand God’s plan.
2. The miracle of miracles is salvation
For every crisis, God sent us Christ. Genesis 3:15 states the promise of Christ to completely resolve the problem of original sin. 400 years later, the exodus from Egypt occurred, while 800 years later the prophets foretold of Christ. 700 years later, in the town of Bethlehem, the covenant of Christ was fulfilled. Many people today live without this covenant. That is why our realization of the covenant is the miracle of miracles.
3. The fact that I am saved
The miracle of miracles is the fact that I believe in Christ and have received salvation. God will work in us who have received salvation until the day of Christ. Like Paul, who met Lydia, expelled demons and miraculously escaped prison, we will also produce fruits of God’s miracles. Until we go to heaven, do not worry, but simply enjoy the work of God’s salvation.
-May you experience the blessing of salvation every day as children of God, and may you experience God’s power in your life today.
New Believer Retreat Lecture 3 / 2010.3.16