
Journal of the evangelist

페이스북 공유 카카오톡 공유
Journal of the evangelist

Psalms 5:1~12 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. (3)

Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #171 God’s One and Only Son (#241 in previous version I am so Glad That Our Father in Heaven)

 All successful people left behind a record of their lives. A man like Edison left behind 3,000 volumes of his records to his next generation. If we establish the habit of recording when we are young, we can continue that habit for the rest of our lives. In particular, if evangelists can leave behind evangelism records, they will be ale to receive the answer of saving the age.

1. The things that are inscribed upon our hearts when we are younger determine the course of our entire lives
  If we acquire the habit of exercise when we are younger, we can be healthy for the great majority of our lives. As we get older, our health begins to deteriorate; for this reason, the best way for us to sustain good health is through regular exercise on a daily basis. In addition, acquiring the habit of reading books when we are younger is very important. If we read good books frequently, we will be able to have correct thoughts. If we are able to enjoy scheduled prayer when we are younger, our soul reaches the greatest spiritual state. These important things must be inscribed in us when we are younger.

2. We must leave behind three records
 The majority of people who had success left behind their own life record. We must leave behind three things. First, we must leave behind an academic journal. It is a good idea to record how we studied and what we studied. Second, we must leave behind a journal of our walk of faith and record in it the grace that we received through the pulpit message and the Prayer Journal and even record the answers of prayer that we received. In this way, we can confirm how our faith grew and leave it behind as a record. Third, we must leave behind our evangelism journal. In other words, we must record the works of evangelism that God did in the field that we are in. We must specifically record when, where, who we met with, and what happened in detail. If the physician Luke had not left behind his evangelism journal, we would never have known the works of evangelism that arose in the Book of Acts.

3. We must absolutely set a weekday schedule
 We must live our lives with a daily schedule. Only then will the words ‘today’s evangelism,’ ‘today’s Word,’ and ‘today’s prayer’ have any meaning. At this time, all of our meetings become a meaningful blessing. Our academics, livelihood, and finding our specialty will all begin to have meaning. We are surely the important individuals who will move the world, and for this reason, starting now, we must prepare these things.

° Forum Topic - Starting today, make your evangelism journal so that you can record the details of your life. Record your academics (work), faith, and life of evangelism in that journal; organize your schedule; and record today’s evangelism, Word, and prayer.

Remnant Study of Evangelism Lecture 218 / 2010.3.6


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