The way to find the golden fishing grounds
Acts 16:11~15 On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, where we expected to find a place of prayer. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there. (13) ♬
Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #368 Heart Longings (#486 in previous version)
If you are enjoying the mystery of Christ in every situation, the kingdom of God will be established. If we who have no strength begin to pray, we will experience the work of the filling of the Holy Spirit. He promised to give power to the powerless and make us witnesses to the ends of the earth. The Early Church held to this covenant and put all their strength into praying for 10 days, and God opened the door to the golden fishing grounds. God is preparing the golden fishing grounds now. Where can we see these golden fisheries?
1. The golden fishing grounds are hidden in my life
God has everything and He prepared all things before He called us. This is why we are told to pray. If you truly begin to pray, you will discover Christ. God’s kingdom will be manifested if you hold on to the truth through prayer and wait just a little bit. You will confirm the evidences if you cast aside all stumbling blocks of worries and anxieties and start praying. True strength comes from here and you will be able to see the hidden golden fishing grounds in your life.
2. The golden fishing grounds are waiting in fields of closed doors
In places of closed paths, the golden fishing grounds are waiting. The night Paul prayed for a closed evangelism door, God showed him the golden fishing grounds. Paul thought the doors were closed, but God prepared Macedonia. We need to get rid of our misconceptions of closed doors. Even if you face problems, if you hold onto the covenant and pray, you will see great golden fishing grounds that have been prepared.
3. You will see the golden fishing grounds in small meetings
In Troas, as soon as Paul began to pray when the doors seemed closed, the doors to Macedonia opened and he went to Philippi. While searching for a place to pray there, he met Lydia whom God had prepared. Through this meeting, the Church of Philippi (Acts 16:15) was established. God allowed him to see the doors to the great golden fishing grounds through that meeting.
● Forum Topic - What are the hindrances that are blocking the golden fishing grounds in my life? Pray to have the eyes to see the golden fishing grounds in your field, through which the work of evangelism will arise.
Core Training Message / 2010.3.6