Mark’s upper room movement and me
Acts 2:41~42 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #408 I Cannot Tell thee Whence it Came (466 in previous version)
The Early Church witnessed the work of the number of disciples surpassing three thousand. Have you had the experience of leading an unbeliever to believe in Jesus Christ? What would happen if a regional church that properly evangelizes were established through you? What is the evangelism that God is most pleased with? What works would arise if you hold onto the Word given by Jesus? God promised to give you these answers. A person who possesses the answer can help others. What must you do?
1. Gap
God said He will answer me, but I am not receiving anything. The reason is because there is a significant gap between God’s Word and me. It is crucial to see this realistically. This is when you will come to understand today’s Word, today’s prayer and today’s evangelism. If you open your eyes to see this, you will see answers from very close by. You will come to know the fact that God is with me and God is with us.
2. Evidence
Receiving prayer answers is not difficult. God’s Word must first be testified to me. And this blessing of the covenant will be testified by God in all fields I enter. Henceforth, evidences will arise within the problems God has permitted me. He gives me problems to give me answers. God answers matters of importance through scheduled prayer. Pray about everything during the time of scheduled prayer. When you feel the time of prayer while holding to the covenant of the Gospel is the happiest time, great works will begin.
3. Things to keep in mind
When testifying of the Gospel, there are a few things you must keep in mind. You must hold on to a message that is befitting to your position. And you must grab hold of evidences according to your time schedule now. You must hold on to the evidences differently based on your age and occupation. If you do this, works will undoubtedly arise.
● Forum Topic - What is the true evangelism God will be most pleased with in my current situation?
Training Center Opening Message / 2010.3.4