Why should we read?
Psalms 1:1~6 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. (1~2)
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #453 More About Jesus Would I Know (#506 in previous version)
Just as a tree planted by the stream will thrive and bear healthy fruit, laying down healthy roots and growing into each individual determines one’s entire life. That is why what lays root inside of our hearts is imperative. From now on, look back upon yourself within the Gospel; if we begin by putting small things into action, God will give us the blessing of entrusting to us an entire age. One of the small habits we must put into action is reading. Why must we read?
1. Reading is the habit of studying
Students who are well-read tend to also excel in school. If we have the habit of reading at an early age, we will excel in school. The Biblical figure Timothy knew the Bible from an early age and Moses learned Egyptian scholastics at an early age. David wrote from an early age to praise God, and Paul also received an elite education in his youth. The habit of reading is therefore a vital and imperative habit.
2. Reading is the beginning of meditation
Reading is the beginning of meditation. Through reading, the scope of our thoughts will be broadened, and through this we can meditate. David took pleasure in the laws of the Lord and meditated upon it day and night.
3. Reading is enjoying the blessing of meetings
Reading becomes an essential way to meet figures from history, people who are far away, or people we do not know. Through reading, we can pursue unlimited internships and gain knowledge in areas previous unknown to us.
4. Reading becomes the path to healing
It is difficult for people with spiritual problems or who are mentally unsettled to read; however, these people need healing. Reading could also instigate healing, but it is only the Word of God that can heal completely.
● Forum Topic - The habit of reading is very important. Take a little bit of time each day to read the Word of God, and set up a plan to read good books. Life will be richer for it. Begin to read after choosing the Scripture and book to read for the day.
Remnant Study of Evangelism Lecture 216 / 2010.2.20