Cultural battle
Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: #249 Come, We That Love the Lord Before heading for the cultural battlefront, we must develop the habits of the elite. Acquiring the habits of the elite is not an easy thing to do, but they will become second nature to us if we acquire them when we are young. Perhaps we may have a hard time getting used to them, but we must not be discouraged. When we try to change, little by little, God will give us abounding grace. We must gain power and take up the challenge because we are now facing the age of cultural battle.
1. The age of cultural battle
If we read through the Bible, we see the ten plagues imposed upon Egypt through Moses. These ten plagues symbolize the idolatrous culture of Egypt. Through Moses, God demolished the idolatrous culture of Egypt. Samuel and David fought the cultural battle between Dagon and the Ark of the Covenant. Elijah fought against Baal and Asherah, Elisha against the kingdom of Aram, and the Early Church against Rome. All of these were the battles against the culture of darkness. We must open our eyes to see this and open up the age of cultural evangelism to relay the culture of the Gospel to future generations.
2. The age of cultural evangelism
We must correctly hold to the covenant and study hard in order to open up the age of cultural evangelism. In Exodus 3:1~20, we see that Moses’ challenge against the culture of Egypt was cultural evangelism. The Mizpah movement that rose through Samuel, too, was cultural evangelism. The events where David received grace as a shepherd and defeated Goliath, as well as the confession of Paul recorded in Philippians 3 are all acts of cultural evangelism.
3. The age of cultural economy
What we must remember is that the age of cultural economy has begun. Cultural economy refers to the economy of knowledge in which one makes greater profits while doing the same work. This is the economy that we, as the people who have the Gospel, must find. This is the economy of the future. For this, we must equip ourselves with the nature of the Gospel elite. If we can equip ourselves with the nature of the Gospel elite, we will be able to discern what is and is not important. In addition, we will be able to turn the small hardships that we are facing right now into blessings, and change everything into blessings.
● Forum Topic - Do you understand the age of cultural battle, the age of cultural evangelism, and the age of cultural economy? What kind of challenges can you take up in your life as you live in this age?
Remnant Study of Evangelism Lecture 212 / 2010.1.16