The conscience of an evangelist
Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #393 Great is Thy Faithfulness (#447 in previous version)
It is important to have a vision, but it is more important to have the strength with which to carry out that vision. This strength has been given to us because we have received the Gospel. The Gospel is life. If we have this strength, then saving the field is rightful, necessary and absolute. We’ve received the blessing of Immanuel and the promise of the filling of the Holy Spirit. Whatever problem or crisis comes our way will become God’s great blessing to us. We must go into scheduled prayer, the continuous prayer that allows all of these blessings to be revealed in the field, and the deep prayer that heals spiritual problems. This is the conscience of an evangelist.
1. Spiritual summit
We must go towards the summit of blessings, but it’s hard to reach that summit if we worry or use our own methods. People who experience God’s blessings and enjoy the mystery of prayer will find themselves in the seat of answers, success and victory. They will ultimately find themselves standing on the spiritual summit. If we want to save this age through the Gospel, we must reach the spiritual summit. The issue is the platform of our blessings and our opportunities. The Christ we’ve held onto is not lacking.
2. Key
At this time God will give us an important key. We will see a future that seemed so hard to see before. The Word of God that we hold to will be fulfilled. Our prayers will begin to be answered. God will show us the future because we are evangelists, and He will fulfill His Word and give us answers to our prayers. This is the key to save the age.
3. Uniqueness
We will rightfully receive the blessing of uniqueness if we hold onto God’s covenant. We will see the finances of the future if we receive the answer of uniqueness, and we will also see finances that have been prepared for the next generation. In addition, we will see the finances that God has hidden for evangelism and missions. We must remove our stumbling blocks and prepare the way in order to go into these blessings. God will restore the identity of the evangelists He has called. He told us not to worry so that we’re not attacked by the devil. We must resolve to worry about nothing, and pray to God with thanksgiving alone.
● Forum Topic - What must we begin with in order to get to the spiritual summit? Begin true prayer within the Gospel.
Hong Kong Conference Lecture 3 / 2009.12.16