Gospel-oriented man of culture
Philippians 3:4~9│What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ. (8)
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #438 Since Christ My Soul from Sin Set Free (#495 in previous version)
There is a reason why God used Paul. Paul showed remarkable insight into the Gospel and at the same time he was a Gospel-oriented man of culture who possessed an outstanding talent for culture. Culture keeps changing constantly, but if we lose hold of the culture, we will lose hold of everything. Even during the time of the Religious Reformation, the development of culture and the printing press contributed greatly to the work of God. We can even say that we are waging cultural wars these days. How can we conquer the culture with the Gospel?
1. Now is the time for specialists
It’s said that the world economy of the 20th century was led by 100 specialists. We call the 21st century the age of cultural war. As expected, culture, too, is influenced and molded by specialists. We must be experts in our fields in order to conquer culture. First, we must polish our skills and become experts with regard to our skills. Second, we must become experts with distinct characteristics who enjoy working in our fields. Third, we must become people who connect together on a fundamental level. Sadly, people in cultural ministry are not connecting with one another with regard to the fundamentals.
2. Spiritual problems that come to specialists
Spiritual problems are no exception to people in music, fine arts and sports. We must possess aptitude in order to do cultural ministry as specialists. If we try to display our aptitude without knowing the Gospel, we will have no choice but to have spiritual problems come upon us. Second, because this field demands constant effort, problems are bound to come if we are too obsessed with one single area or seized by a strong sense of rivalry and comparison with others. Third, it may become difficult for us to lead normal daily lives and the sense of self may crumble because our line of work requires sensitivity. That is why many artists fall into alcohol, drugs or sexual immorality and may attempt suicide after suffering from depression and mental illness.
3. Now is the time to begin our prayers for cultural ministry
Some people view culture as ‘economy’ or ‘politics’ as well as ‘the basis of everything human.’ That is why we must have a correct understanding of culture. Satan has taken control of culture right now. We must correctly begin the cultural ministry as we carry with us the correct Gospel. We must hold gatherings for the Remnants¶S and provide them with a solid platform. For this reason, we must gain the power that comes from God before we do anything else. Though we may not have much, God has prepared everything.
● Forum Topic
- Starting now, what kind of culture must we form in the Gospel? Let us begin our prayer, for the RUTC and cultural ministry.
Cultural Specialist Retreat / 2009.12.1