We must heal the future
Acts 1:1~11 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."(4~5)
♬Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #486 My Soul in Sad Exile (#474 in previous version)
Many people want to know their future. When we are able to see our future, we will gain confidence and be able to correct and heal our future. Then, how can we see our future?
1. Our lives must be aligned with the future
Our current lives must be aligned with the future. A word that is particularly closely aligned with the future of the Remnants is the word ‘elite.’ Elites are those who look forward to their futures. We must live our lives endowed with the discipline of elites. First, we must have leisure of time. If we wake up just a little bit early, we can begin the day with leisure. Second, we must surpass the level of mere common sense. Third, from a spiritual perspective, we must be able to enjoy prayer. Great blessings and great failures both have their roots in small matters. Therefore, we must be able to have success from the smallest of things.
2. The future is in the hands of God
If our future is indeed in God’s hands, we must understand what God deems most precious. God considers knowing Christ accurately, enjoying the kingdom of God wherever we go, and enjoying the filling of the Holy Spirit to be most precious. Additionally, we must understand and know what God most desires. There is something we must carefully ponder at this juncture. The more we ponder and mull over the questions of ““How can I do evangelism well? How can I receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit? How can I receive the filling of the Holy Spirit?””the more beneficial it will be for us. And we must know what God’s purpose is. Paul was a person who discovered the purpose of God. He was a man who clearly saw his future of standing before the Roman emperor. That is why even storms and squalls could not block his path.
3. We must be able to see the ministry of the future
We must send forth our children into the world as elites with the Gospel. We must save the region, the field and raise lay leaders to become the platforms for the descendants. To ultimately achieve world evangelization, we need to gather our strength. In the future, we have to battle in spiritual warfare with the culture of darkness in the world, and we must also prepare for the age of evangelism through social welfare. To save a region, we need to strengthen the dependent churches. We must see before us this future that will surely come. Additionally, our today must be connected with our future. We must be able to see these two things simultaneously. God will give us a sure answer no matter what the problem and allow us to see our future.
● Forum Topic- Realistically draw your future as an evangelist and our future of world evangelization and meditate deeply upon it.
New Year’s Message / 2010.1.1