God knows them
Acts 10:1~8 At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion in what was known as the Italian Regiment (1)
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #29 Come, Christians, Join to Sing God reigns over the life and death, and success and failure of man. If that’s true, how can we live correctly enjoying the blessings of God? The church, which is supposed to save the region, cannot save the region when it is worse off than other religions. We must know three facts before we make any important resolutions regarding this.
1. Three facts
First, disasters will come to people if they don’t have the Gospel. People may seem like they’re doing well, but they are hiding this reality. No matter how proud you are about your educational background, you cannot stop disasters from happening. No religion can solve man’s spiritual problems. That is why God did not give us a religion but the Gospel. Religions are man-made, but the Gospel is God - given. The reason why we must have success is that we must share the Gospel with those who are successful. Second, we will absolutely fail if we don’t have the complete Gospel. What is the reason why people fail even after attending church for such a long time? It is because they don’t have the complete Gospel. Hindering people from realizing the complete Gospel is the greatest curse. This is the reason why the Jewish people have gone through so much suffering. Third, religions are experiencing great revival whereas churches are dwindling. At such a time, idolatry increases and wars break out. The way to stop this is to share the correct Gospel. That is why we must form oneness and go out to the evangelism field. In addition, we are building the RUTC to prevent the tremendous forces of darkness from coming upon our future generations.
2. God knows them
First, God knows who will receive salvation and His time schedule is focused on them. God brings people to those who have these eyes to see them. God has prepared and planned this before the creation, before long ages past. Second, God knows who He can entrust disciples to. God had prepared all things for this work. The customers of Simon the tanner and Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth, were mostly people from royal families and high-ranking officials. The doors of evangelism opened through these individuals. Third, God knows who will wholeheartedly do the evangelism movement and entrusts them with the age. As evidence, God gives them the Word that will be fulfilled. In addition, God gives them prayers topics that will be answered and the works of evangelism take place. Starting now, we must enter into this blessing. We must lay everything down before God and truly challenge ourselves to pray. Then answers will continue to come and scheduled prayer will take place. If continuous prayer takes place in our field, the Word that we receive during worship will be fulfilled exactly. It is from this point on that we will come to have important power.
● Forum Topic - Where do my thoughts, mind and concern lie? Make resolutions regarding the mystery of the Gospel and the blessings of evangelism.
Core Training Message / 2009.11.7