A personal resolution
Acts 9:10 In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, "Ananias!" "Yes, Lord," he answered.
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English #498 Rescue the Perishing (#275 in previous version)
What would happen if hundreds of disciples like Ananias and Lydia arose in our churches and did the Word movement? What would happen if the dependent churches start to open their eyes to find the disciples God has hidden? What would happen if disciples started to arise around us? We must make a resolution regarding the work of finding the disciples God has hidden.
1. We must make a resolution regarding evangelism
At that time, God will send His angels and open the way to meet hidden disciples. He enabled Philip to meet the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26) and Peter to meet Cornelius (Acts 10:1~6). When Paul, who made this resolution, faced a crisis, God sent an angel of the Lord to him to tell him, “Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar.” We must make the resolution to find disciples in the fields that have been entrusted to us, among the people in our midst, among our relatives and inside our families. With the tremendous authority we have as children of God, we need to find disciples regardless of their status or rank.
2. Only then can we correctly grab hold of the Word of God
God sends His angels and fulfills His Word (Isaiah 103:20~22). He gave the promise of His second coming to those who held to His Word (Acts 1:11). Peter held to the Word of God in the face of death, and the unfathomable works of the prison doors opening arose (Act 12:1~25). The fulfillment of the Word will arise even now if we make a resolution regarding evangelism.
3. We will pray starting from this moment
Amazing works arise during our time of prayer. Not one word of our prayers to find disciples falls to the ground, but instead, they go up to the throne of God. God sends His angels even now, and He is working from behind us and ahead of us, unseen to our eyes. When we make a resolution regarding evangelism, God works in every part of our life. Our thoughts begin to manifest in our lives as evidences, and the Word begins to be fulfilled because of evangelism. Furthermore, we start to correctly enjoy prayer. The figures of Romans 16 were people who stood in the line of evangelism, and they were all people who made a resolution before God. Now, as evangelism disciples, we must make the resolution to find the disciples God has hidden. At this time, the Word will be fulfilled and we will receive answers to prayer.
● Forum Topic - What is the resolution you must make right now? Write it down and meditate on it.
Evangelism Disciple Training / 2009.10.27