The guidance of the Holy Spirit
Acts 11:25~26 Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #380 Savior, More Than Life to Me (#424 in previous version)
As we live our lives, we make mistakes and fail at things. We will have complete victory if we properly receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The most important key to enjoying the blessing of meeting is the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then what is the guidance of the Holy Spirit? How can we receive the proper guidance of the Holy Spirit?
1. Peter
Peter was hot-blooded and plain but he received the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The reason why God used Peter is simple. It was because the Pharisees could not do the Gospel movement and Peter could. Some people do a lot of work but God’s work does not appear in their lives, whereas others don’t work that much but God’s work appears in their lives. This is the standard by which one can or cannot do the Gospel movement. You will fail no matter how hard you work if the Gospel movement doesn’t take place in your life. The proper guidance of the Holy Spirit is given when one does the proper Gospel movement.
2. Paul
Paul received the guidance of the Holy Spirit well, in a way that was different from the way that Peter did. We can see that he was very sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Paul’s level in receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit was very high. Even though he committed no wrong, he went along with the process in order to go to Rome. He was beaten and thrown into jail even though he could’ve shown the authorities his Roman citizenship. Great works will arise if we make an effort to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, much like Paul did.
3. The Bible
How does the Bible explain the guidance of the Holy Spirit? At least once in our lives we must meet people who evangelize, and talk with them. We must go to the evangelism field with these people. It is at this time that we can experience the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit evangelism doors will continue to open, the angels of the Lord will move ahead of us, people who receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the midst of persecution and hardship will gather together, and doors to saving the world will open. It is at this time that blessed meetings like the meeting between Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch and Paul and Barnabas will arise. We must receive the great strength of prayer in order to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and there are times when we must fast and pray constantly. We must not get discouraged when all doors are closed but see the even more important doors that God has prepared as we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
● Forum Topic - How am I receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Pray today to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
New Believer & Field Ministry Worker Retreat Lecture 3 / 2009.11.12