Seeking the lost blessings
Acts 10:1~6 The angel answered, "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God. Now send men to Joppa to bring back a man named Simon who is called Peter. He is staying with Simon the tanner, whose house is by the sea." (4~6)
Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #428 There’s Sunshine in My Soul Today (#488 in previous version)
The Bible is the eternal Word of God that never disappears. It says in the Bible that Peter stayed at the house of Simon the Tanner (Act 10:6). During this time, a person named Simon possessed the blessings that the Jewish people, who had tremendous power and background, lost. The Early Church was incapable of failing because it sought out the important three things that the Jewish people lost. What are the three blessings the Jewish people lost?
1. The Gospel
There is something the Jewish people lost during the age of the Early Church. This was the Gospel and the church. Consequently, the Jewish people had no choice but to fail. Although the Jewish people waited for the Messiah, they were not waiting for the Christ, but rather a leader who would deliver their nation from colonization. Therefore, even though they received the Word, the way they saw the Bible, their nation and the world were different. Although God told them to save other nations, the Jewish people viewed them as Gentiles. Answers had no choice but to come to the Early Church, who sought after what the Jewish people had lost.
2. The field disciples and pastors
As the Jewish people lost the Gospel, they also lost hold of what the disciples in the field must do and what kind of person the pastor is. We must seek out these things. Jesus raised workers along with apostles in the field, and showed them how many souls were dying in the field. In addition, He gave the apostles and workers who gathered together at Mark’s upper room the complete message that could save the field. He raised people who understood these two things as field disciples and made a system all throughout the regions. This system was connected with world missions. When they were struck with a huge trial, the disciples gathered and had victory in the spiritual battle through prayer. The Early Church found these kinds of field disciples and established them place by place.
3. The financial blessings that field disciples are to enjoy
We must seek out the finances of the people who possess the true Gospel. This blessing must arise through disciples in the field, but it is something that has been lost since the time of the Early Church until now. How did the Early Church restore the blessing of finances to do world evangelization? The Early Church disciples were businesspeople who correctly knew the blessing of evangelism. Those who correctly knew the Gospel and blessing of evangelism had gathered. At this time, God gave the finances and answers to move the age.
● Forum Topic - God has given us the blessing to solve the problems of the age and conquer the world. Now, all we must do is seek out the blessings He has given us. What are the blessings we have lost and the blessings we must seek out and enjoy?
Business & Industry Missions Message / 2009.10.10