Wherever my name is honored, I will bless
Exodus 20:22~26 Make an altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle. Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you. (24)
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #10 Come, Thou Almighty King (#34 in previous version)
To possess the Gospel is something different than merely knowing it, and it contains an extremely important meaning. If we know the Gospel but are not filled with it, then our own theories and assertions will get stronger, and it will get harder for us to carry out the oneness that God desires and is pleased with. Even though the blessings God has given us are so plentiful, we will have no choice but to fight with others and create problems if we’re unable to see those blessings. Today God is speaking about what the blessings we have received are about, what it means to receive answers, and the lives of those who have not realized. “Wherever my name is honored, I will bless.”
1. In order to hear the voice of God
Possessing the Gospel means that we have become children of God. In the Word of God it says, “I have spoken to you from heaven (verse 22),” meaning we can hear the voice of God. If we want to hear the voice of God, it is important to see the facts. When we begin to discard our prejudices regarding people and the world and start to see the facts, we will be able to realize what the plan of God is. The level of being able to see the facts is important. Although Joseph’s brothers were able to see that their father, Jacob, loved Joseph more than them, they were unable to understand the covenant. King Saul saw that David’s supporters forgot that he was king, and made a resolution that was beneath him. If we are able to ride the rhythm of prayer as we look at people from the level of the Gospel, we will be able to hear the voice of God.
2. Into the complete Gospel
If we are able to understand the spiritual facts behind the facts in the world and in our lives, we will come to enjoy answers in all places. If we understand the spiritual facts, we will come to understand the Word of God requesting burnt offerings and fellowship offerings from the Israelites. The method is ‘Only Jesus.’ God promised that He would give all the blessings of the field to the people who enter into the complete Gospel, where everything is finished through the cross of Jesus Christ. He wants to give these blessings to those who grab hold of the mystery of worship and the blood covenant, call upon the name of the Lord and pray, and praise.
● Forum Topic - Let us pray that your eyes to see the facts through the Gospel would be opened. Open your ears to the voice of God. What are the spiritual facts you must grab onto today? God will answer my prayers in which you call out to the name of the Lord according to His level. Try experiencing this answer.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2009.10.4