
God’s people who received the Word

페이스북 공유 카카오톡 공유
God’s people who received the Word

Exodus 20:18~21 Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.” (20)

♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #23 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

 What does it mean to live the Christian walk correctly? What is the most important aspect of our Christian walk? We can say quite simply that it is holding firmly onto the Word of God and receiving prayer answers relating to the Word. In the midst of the problems and conflicts that continue to arise in our lives, we can choose to either resent God or to acknowledge Him and fear Him. There are times when we face problems related to our spiritual state regardless of our intentions or faults. Therefore, holding onto the Word of God according to the time schedule becomes the method for us to experience the power of God that will shake the heavens, the seas and the dry land. He who has given us the Word is the Lord over all creation (Haggai 2:1~9). If that is so, how must we receive and hold onto the Word of God?

1. Seeing the truth and enjoying the Gospel in our everyday lives
 God is not a scary being who punishes us for our weaknesses. He is also not discouraged by our failings and mistakes. He did not give His Word to the Israelites after the Exodus so they could prepare to battle their enemies or brace themselves for years of worry regarding food, shelter and clothing. If we know who God is, and if we know what the Gospel is, we will begin to see what is most important amid the problems we face everyday in the field. The point is not that Joseph was sold into slavery, or that he was sent to prison, or even that he became the governor of Egypt. God had His sight upon Egypt, which had the entire world trembling in fear. Egypt was rebelling against God through idolatry, and God gave His Word to the Israelites to challenge Egypt and proclaim His existence. Possessing the eyes of God to see the world is seeing the facts correctly. To possess such a pair of eyes, we must be able to enjoy the Gospel in our everyday lives. We must hold to the Word that is given to us today, set aside a time to pray and resolve to pray. We will be able to see the fulfillment of the Word of God in advance. The person who receives the Word, is cautious of the Word and lives their life following after the Word, all the while anticipating the fulfillment of the Word, will be the first one to enjoy answers.

2. 5 things to put into action
 Because we know the Gospel that comes through grace, we must resolve to apply the following five things and put them into action. First, we must make it a daily principle to start our mornings through meditation on the Word. Second, to make scheduled prayer a part of our natures, we must change the structure of our lives. Third, we must meditate once again on the pulpit message of the week and have forum with family or friends. Fourth, we must discover the plan of God through the field and those around us. Fifth, we must look anew at our own fields with the perspective of evangelism and missions. These are important things we must put into action as we discover today.

● Forum Topic - Today is a new day presented to you so that you can receive the renewed Word of God and pray anew. Experience new grace today.

Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2009.9.27


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