
What was lost for 2000 years

페이스북 공유 카카오톡 공유
What was lost for 2000 years

Acts 2:41-42 They devoted themselves to the apostles'' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (42)

♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #412 Far Away in the Depths of My Spirit (#469 in previous version)

 You’ve probably heard someone say that a person they knew faced problems because they believed in Jesus. How must we view this if these types of rumors are openly spreading through families and workplaces? If we start from the conclusion, there’s a great possibility that that person didn’t know the Gospel but simply attended church. A workplace will come alive if there is even just one person who believes in Jesus. We are light and salt, but problems will arise if we can’t properly carry out our roles. That is why we must find the three things that have been lost for 2000 years since the Early Church.

1. The evangelism methods of the Early Church
 The evangelism movement took place daily in the Early Church. A very active evangelism movement took place in the field. Disciples must be established in the field for the evangelism movement to properly take place. If disciples in the field are to be properly established, disciples must be properly established, starting from the church layleaders in the church. This was not restored for 2000 years. If we establish disciples with this answer, then God’s blessings will follow us wherever we go.

2. The Christian lives of the Early Church
 The Early Church followed the Word from beginning to end. The disciples took the Word that was given to them by the apostles and saw how it was fulfilled in the field. Pastors must properly receive and relay the Word that is given to them by God. This Word must first be fulfilled in the lives of the disciples who will save the field, and this Word must be relayed to all people. The Early Church followed God’s Word and did everything within it. Their Christian lives and their regular lives were not very different at all.

3. The positions of the Early Church
 We must restore the positions of the Early Church. First, church workers must focus on the Word and prayer and discover God’s plan for each church member. The role of the church worker is to properly share God’s plan with the church members. Church workers who cannot do this properly become dictators. Second, church layleaders must see the Word given to them by church workers fulfilled, and relay it to the disciples and to the field. If they cannot do this, they will become church layleaders who are loners. Third, laypeople must see how the Word that is relayed by the church worker is fulfilled through the church layleader, and naturally form Oneness. If they cannot do this, they will become self-righteous laypeople. Many problems have come to the churches of Korea and the world because they’ve lost hold of these things.

Forum Topic - Are the blessings of evangelism taking place around you daily? Are you following the Word daily and receiving answers?

New Believers Retreat Lecture 3 / 2009.9.15


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