You shall not steal
Exodus 20:15 You shall not steal
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #393 Great is Thy Faithfulness (#447 in previous version)
Stealing is a threefold crime. It is committing a sin before God, it does harm to others, and it becomes a means for the thief to be seized with spiritual problems. As we live our lives, what we must think about and prepare before anything else is the area of financial blessings. Then, is poverty a curse? The Bible records that the ground has been cursed ever since the event of Genesis 3, in which men were separated from God (Genesis 3:17~18). This has to do with the problem of original sin rather than the problem of sin. People of God have restored, along with the Gospel, financial blessings that they deserve to receive and enjoy. It is because the Lord who governs history and all creation is God.
1. True restoration
There is a saying that a man who came through the door flees through the window of a house because of financial hardships. We can see that the value of genuine success for many people is related to finances and see that people will even sell their children to make money. It is of the utmost necessity that we have a correct outlook on Gospel-oriented finance. People of God must first gain another power, namely spiritual power. With that power, you yourself can live, and you can receive the blessing of financial restoration inside of the spiritual mystery of reviving your field. Even though David appeared as if he was crumbling and dying with hardships and problems, he was able to confess, ‘The Lord alone is my rock’ and ‘I am content with the Lord alone’ amidst problems because he possessed spiritual power. Solomon, who is considered one of the representatives of financial blessings and had the wisdom of heaven, imparts to us an important lesson he learned from failures during the peak of his life and his last years? “Remember your Creator.” Restoring God is the true beginning.
2. Vision with a purpose
Because world evangelization is God’s plan, there are undoubtedly finances that God has put in hiding for its sake. When we restore Christ and press on toward the Gospel, God will give us the blessing of specialization and let our specialization be connected to uniqueness. Therefore, we will foresee the future that has been prepared if we have spiritual power and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28). God will bring to completion the words and the future of the people of the covenant. God let none of Samuel’s words fall to the ground (1 Samuel 3:19) and the blessing of God was on everything Potiphar had, even in the field, on account of Joseph (Genesis 39:5). The most important thing in having our vision be used for the Gospel is the filling of the Holy Spirit. God will bless us for all our efforts to overcome our spiritual problems, enter into the Holy Spirit and hold to the dream of the covenant. We will be the main figures to save the future with hidden finances.
● Forum Topic - Let us make a resolution to restore God by the filling of the Holy Spirit and to connect our field to the future that will be brought to completion.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2009.9.6