You shall not commit adultery
Exodus 20: 14 You shall not commit adultery
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #391 A Wonderful Savior is Jesus My Lord (#446 in previous version)
This is the 7th commandment of the 10 Commandments that the Israelite people received through their leader, Moses, while in the wilderness. Carnegie said 70% of life’s problems would be solved if money was not an issue. However, 70% of family problems could actually be resolved if the problem of adultery was resolved. To this extent, there is something the Remnants must be cautious of. We must realize the issues we have the greatest interest in, such as the opposite sex, marriage and our spouses, are part of the fundamental covenant that God has given us for the sake of blessings. The Remnants absolutely need a Gospel value system that does not adhere to the standards of the world or the legalism the Pharisees adopted.
1. There is something we must first know
The 10 Commandments were not given for the people who would receive salvation but that the people who received salvation would be blessed. The work of becoming a child of God is only possible when we believe in Jesus. Namely, it is about believing in Jesus and receiving salvation. No one can snatch away this salvation and the background of heaven we have received. The child of God is the one who finds and enjoys that blessing. Spiritual problems come when we are unable to find these rightful blessings and when we are seized by the scars of our past. The variety of problems that break out because of spiritual problems can actually be our current day problems. Corruption, gambling, drugs, dancing, alcohol, lust, habitual sin, and problems that come when we don’t understand or enjoy the Gospel will start to be resolved when the fundamentals are restored. The fundamentals are restoring our identity and authority as children of God.
2. It is greatly beneficial to us
The commandment ‘You shall not commit adultery’ was not given as an additional law to bring destruction to sinners or as a means to judge other people. Even this kind of problem is the plan of God to help people who are suffering and failing. We must remember that if the hidden conflicts we have get connected to lust, we will suffer greatly. If we lose hold of this reality, we will lose hold of the blessings of meeting we ought to enjoy. If we have these kinds of complicated problems in our family, the suffering in our family will not end. God sent Christ and solved all the problems of sin. Perhaps the people who have fallen into the problem of lust must find God’s special plan inside of this. Even if we have failed, we can go into an even greater state of enjoyment if we come out from that failure and enter into the Gospel. We must remember the message of blessing and caution inside this commandment and restore the blessing of the family that raises Remnants who are skilled and pure.
● Forum Topic - Do you have a problem you are afflicted with? May you restore your identity and authority as a child of God and seek out your blessings.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2009.8.30