
The greatest prayer that we must pray in our homes

페이스북 공유 카카오톡 공유
The greatest prayer that we must pray in our homes

Acts 2:46~47 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #197 God Whose Grace Overflows (#178 in previous version)

 What is the important prayer that we must pray in our homes? Our home is the field where God’s Word will be fulfilled. During the time of the Early Church, an important covenant was brought to fulfillment in the homes of the disciples. We can experience the works of the Early Church only when correct answers and fulfillment of the Word take place in our homes. How then must we begin?

1. God’s beginning - Act as an instigator
 Pulpit messages from church must be fulfilled through our family. Most believers live without understanding the value of the messages. We must become the instigators who do not lose hold of the flow of the messages but grab hold of the proclaimed messages and bring them to fulfillment in the field. It is because we must not lose hold of the greatest blessing of the pulpit messages being fulfilled. More importantly, when we can come to the conclusion that it is a sure plan of God for evangelism movement with respect to the prayer topics given during worship services, directions for the church, and the field, we must play the role of an instigator in every place. The Early Church members experienced the wind of answers blowing in the homes of the disciples.

2. God’s guidance - Signpost
 The home needs to be the field where God’s Word is brought to fulfillment as we receive God’s realistic guidance. Just as we know where to go by reading the road sign, home must be the signpost for us. Just like the Early Church, we must restore our blessings so that many evangelists and disciples gather and the Remnants who will save the age also gather, share the Word, and receive God’s guidance in our homes. None other than our homes must be the signpost for disciples as well as the Remnants. This is the number one prayer for our family.

3. God’s goal - World Evangelization
 If we have a signpost, we must have a goal as well. The pulpit messages being brought to fulfillment is important and family that plays the role of a signpost, too, is important, but what is most important is world evangelization. That is our goal. What must families do with this goal? Specifically, home must become the place where important workers of the church, disciples as well as the Remnants can connect for the sake of world evangelization. Especially, it must play the pivotal role of the Remnant movement, evangelism movement that saves regions, and missions movement that saves the whole world. The exact works of the Holy Spirit that took place in the homes of the Early Church members will take place today.

° Forum Topic - Let us pray together as we engrave today’s message in our hearts for the sake of world evangelization and for the sake of enjoying the blessing of a model family. In particular, let us begin our prayer for our family.

Mission Home Training Message / 2009.8.18


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