One small, important thing
Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles'' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #84 The Lord of Glory, the Light of the Earth (#96 in previous version)
Many Christians think that keeping their faith in their Christian walk is a difficult and arduous task. The reason for that is because one vital thing that anyone can and absolutely must do is not taking place in their lives. What is this small yet such important thing?
1. One important thing
What is the one thing that all the figures who received answers in the Bible possessed? Joseph enjoyed first and foremost the fact that God was with him even in the field of prison and even after he became the governor of all of Egypt, not his own thoughts or his own experiences. Moses too, held onto the most important plan of God as he abandoned his life in the palace. Samuel and David experienced the guidance of God in all circumstances because they had the power of prayer. As Elisha looked upon his age, he asked for a double portion of spiritual inspiration. Because Isaiah possessed spiritual strength, he left behind a most vital message. When our path seems closed, if we do not possess this mystery, then we will seek other things or become extremely discouraged. This mystery is the mystery of prayer. Without the mystery of prayer, not only is it difficult to experience the Word, it is also difficult to experience becoming a disciple. That is because without the mystery of prayer, it is difficult for the individual to gain strength.
2. How can I hold onto the mystery of prayer?
First, prayer must become the rhythm of our lives, and within this, all things must arise. Scheduled prayer is aligning the rhythm of our lives with God, and continuous prayer is following the flow of this rhythm in our lives. Prayer in worship is the Word becoming a part of my life and riding the flow of this rhythm. Within this, we can see all of God’s time schedules, all plans and everything else. Second, if we realistically pray, then wherever we go in the field we will see the necessity of Christ, and the kingdom of God will be established as the works of the Holy Spirit arise. If we ride the flow of the rhythm of prayer and receive answers, we have no choice but to become the main figures of the field. Third, we must enjoy the mystery of prayer in all situations and people and work. Finally, we must discover God’s plan in the midst of everything.
3. We must maintain the mystery of prayer
If we simply maintain the mystery of prayer, we will begin to see the age and the uniqueness. If we enjoy the mystery of prayer, not only will we gain spiritual strength, we will also gain intellectual and physical strength. If we possess these three things, we will gain the financial power enough to move the entire age along with the manpower to see it through. From this moment on, we will receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit and see the answers and the work of God arising in our very own field.
● Forum Topic - Think about how to make the most important mystery of prayer your very own and challenge.
Pastor’s Kid Retreat Lecture 1 / 2009.7.30