Do not make idols and serve them
Exodus 20:4~6 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me (4~5)
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #535 O Jesus, Thou Art Standing (#325 in previous version)
There are countries and people that make and serve idols. In these times, people who don’t know the Gospel think that acknowledging the diversity of religions makes sense. There are a lot of people in countries, including Korea, who serve mountains and trees and water. They believe these practices are part of a cultural legacy, and view the practice of bowing down before these forms as part of the country’s virtues. However, the Bible tells us not to make idols and serve them. The Gospel saves whatever land it goes into, and curses and the forces of darkness are bound. God’s desire is for idolatrous culture to be destroyed, and for the uniqueness of Christ, who is the way to life, to be proclaimed to all nations.
1. The truth that only the Bible tells us
Worshiping your ancestors is the same as serving demons (1 Corinthians 10:20). People who serve demons will eventually face ruin. The culture of New Age that those who serve demons have made is influencing cultures all over the world. Spiritual ignorance leads to mental and spiritual problems, and people are swept away by disasters and curses. Although there has been incredible scientific progress made by mankind, only the Bible speaks about the spiritual reality and the existence of Satan and demons. We can see the results throughout the history of mankind.
2. The problem of Israel
There was a problem that Israel couldn’t solve, even though God’s blessings had come upon them. They had lived in Egypt as slaves for a long time, and they still had the nature of slavery and wilderness within them. We too can have a nature that keeps us from receiving God’s blessings. This is what keeps us from knowing the spiritual reality that the Bible tells us of and keeps us in disbelief. The Gospel is what saves us, and we who have the Gospel can conclude that we can die for the Gospel. Experience the power of the cross and the Gospel and remove the obstacles that keep you from having a Gospel-centered nature.
3. True power
Spiritual things are not visible. There are things that you must first know if you want to overcome your spiritual problems and enjoy the Gospel. First, experience the blood covenant and Christ. Accept Christ and believe in the power of the cross to solve the problem of sin. Second, you must know the truth about the darkness and the reality behind the culture of darkness. Third, experience the power that comes from the Holy Spirit alone. All these things are possible when you hold to the Word. Faith comes from hearing the message of Christ (Romans 10:17). True enjoyment will start when you truly know the spiritual reality.
● Forum Topic - What disbelief still remains in you? Understand the Gospel and the spiritual reality properly and challenge towards true enjoyment, in which you throw away your nature of disbelief.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 1st Service / 2009.7.26