
Have a time of special prayer!

페이스북 공유 카카오톡 공유
Have a time of special prayer!

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #620 We Will Keep Our Faith (#394 They that Wait upon the Lord in previous version)

 It goes without saying that we who will save the field need power. The problem is that we don’t have power or assurance, and that we don’t even look towards God. We can discover our bad motives, humanism and disbelief when we have assurance and continue to pray. Then God’s power will come upon us and works will begin to arise. Answers will come to us the day that we begin to experience Christ.

1. We must hold onto God’s Word
 When we pray, we must properly hold onto the Word. Whether it’s after we listen to a message or when we read a Bible passage we are familiar with, it is important to focus and begin to pray. We’ll be able to see the principle behind it when we begin to experience this. Those who know this principle will seek out the Word, and see many things through the Word. ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know’ (Jeremiah 33:3). When we hold onto God’s Word and focus on prayer, things we couldn’t have even imagined will begin. However, we give up before God’s works ever arise. We won’t use humanism any longer if we experience this.

2. We must experience God’s power
 We absolutely need God’s power. No background or power in this world can watch over us, and nothing can truly help us. The only thing that truly remains is God’s power. We can enjoy God’s power through scheduled prayer and continuous prayer. Works will arise if we pray about things, people and events in our lives until answers come.

3. We must not forget to have a time of special prayer
 This power must ultimately come from the Gospel, and this power is needed for the proclamation of the Gospel. We will begin to organize the Word, prayer and evangelism if we really start to pray with the Gospel. We must have a time of special prayer before God. God will allow us to taste His answers if we hold onto important messages during scheduled prayer and pray special prayer. When problems come, focus and pray with that prayer 24 hours a day. Experience firsthand what happens afterwards. If you discover that you need healing in a certain area, look at it as a sign to go into deep prayer within the Gospel. You’ll experience yourself getting comfortable with prayer if you continue on in this way.

°Forum Topic - What are you like in front of the field and your problems? Do you have the mystery of remembering God’s covenant within the Word and focusing on prayer with it? Have a time of special prayer today.

World Remnant Conference Leaders Retreat Lecture 3 / 2009.7.24


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