Realistic answers for the future
Acts 2:17 In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #300 Jesus When I am Disheartened (#406 in previous version)
We must see the work of the Holy Spirit. When we pray we begin to understand God’s Word. We will see God’s work if we continue to pray with the Word we come to realize. This is not unhealthy mysticism. It is God’s children rightfully enjoying the mysterious power of God. When the work of the Holy Spirit truly took place in the Early Church, 3,000 disciples arose and the crippled man was healed. We don’t know what can possibly happen today when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Then how can we experience this blessing?
1. Looking at oneself objectively
Most people aren’t able to see who they truly are. That is why the churches are suffering from problems and difficulties. We need to look at ourselves objectively. The only way to do that is the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit. That’s when we will see the Word being fulfilled. Listening to the Word and seeing the fulfillment of the Word are two different things. The most important key to your walk of faith is to see the fulfillment of the Word in your field. Then you will be able to see yourself objectively. We will quickly change when we listen to God’s Word, see it fulfilled and see works taking place in the field. That is why the testimonies of witnesses who receive answers are important. We must discover ourselves in front of God’s Word.
2. The subjectivity of evangelism
We must discover the subjectivity of evangelism. This refers to the evangelism that you must put into practice. You must also discover your own time schedule as well as your own evangelism chart. This is what we call subjectivity. Once you find these things, they will move your heart and change your life.
3. The realism of prayer
We must discover how real prayer is, as opposed to formalized or religious prayer. There are a few preconditions. First, the work we do and our prayer topics must match God’s will and plan. Second, it must match you. Third, with your prayer topic you should be able to pray in any place, at any time and in any circumstance; this is the prayer given to you by God. If this happens, your picture for the future will become vivid and each time you listen to the Word this picture will connect with prayer in a precise manner. If this continues, God’s amazing work will consistently take place in our lives and in our surroundings.
● Forum Topic - Correctly discover yourself within the Word, and seek out realistic evangelism and answers to prayer.
Mission Home Message / 2009.7.21