
Evangelism, for the sake of doing correct evangelism

페이스북 공유 카카오톡 공유
Evangelism, for the sake of doing correct evangelism

Acts 5:42 Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.

♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #262 Of Him Who did Salvation Bring (#196 in previous version)

 How can we correctly evangelize? There is an evangelism that we do for the sake of correctly evangelizing. Works arose daily in the temple courts and houses for the Early Church (Acts 2:46~47). What is more, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. This was their life. They experienced the working of the Holy Spirit in their individual lives (Acts 8:26~40) and got a taste of God attaching people to them (Acts 9:10,15). Paul also experienced how the Lord opened the door of Lydia’s heart to the Gospel. There are a few things that we must do in order to evangelize correctly.

1. One’s evangelism plan must come from daily scheduled prayer
 The disciples of the Early Church, who received answers, had a plan for evangelism each and every day. Try organizing your thoughts about your evangelism when doing scheduled prayer. And try connecting your schedule with evangelism within prayer. It is at this time that you will come to see the time schedule for the people around you and refer to it. If you continue doing this, you will undoubtedly experience important answers.

2. There is a way to experience answers daily
 If you bear the fruit of evangelism, you need to think about how you are going to nurture that person. You need to think about who is going to nurture them and what church you are going to connect them to. This is an important way for you to receive the correct guidance of the Holy Spirit and experience answers daily.

3. There is a way to experience God’s power daily
 We must think about how the people who’ve received the Gospel through us will be nurtured and trained to be deeply rooted and established in the Gospel. You must not stop at simply giving them the Gospel and helping them lead correct Christian lives; you must help them to be properly trained and established as field evangelists to save others. This is the way to experience the power of God. It is at this time that you come to experience the filling of the Holy Spirit and the power of God.

4. There is a way to experience miracles daily
 The day that you commission the disciples that God has raised is the day that miracles take place. Miracles of God will take place when lay leaders and evangelists arise and are commissioned by the church into the field. There is no great miracle than if these people continue to give life to people who are dying.

● Forum Topic - Make an evangelism plan within prayer that is connected to your individual life before setting out to evangelize.

Evangelism Disciple Training Message / 2009.7.21.


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