Eyes of the evangelist
Acts 3:1~15 Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (4~6)
Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #301 God’s Great Grace it is has Brought Us (#459 in previous version)
Many people cannot see past the day to day realities they face. However, children of God must be able to see the truth. The truth is none other than Jesus Christ. The day to day reality of the crippled man was that he needed money, but in truth he needed to receive salvation in the name of Jesus Christ and have his fate and destiny changed. All doors will open if we possess the Anointed One, Christ. He has resolved all the problems of sin; triumphed over Satan, who is driving people to destruction; and overcome the power of hell and curses.
1. We can see all things if doors open
Everything is in the Gospel. We can see all things if we find the door. All of our problems will be resolved if God is with us, but people look for things other than God and that is the problem. Because everything is inside the Gospel, all the doors will open if we focus our attention on it. What are the answers that are prepared for us if we open the doors and enter in? We will meet the disciples that God prepared before the creation of the world. Because God is always with us, He will send us disciples like Paul who will save this age if we align ourselves with God’s direction. In addition, the Holy Spirit will allow us the blessing of meeting at precisely the right moment. Paul set out on his journey with this belief, and God prepared Greeks and prominent women for him to meet. These types of answers will continue to come. Furthermore, God will grant evangelists the Word that will be fulfilled.
2. Our eyes will be opened
If we open our eyes to see how evangelists live, we will come to know what kind of works take place when those who have the Gospel pray. Peter saw the crippled man on his way to the temple to pray and realized that the only thing that crippled man needed was the name of Christ. Crowds of people stared at Peter because they thought he had made the crippled man walk, but Peter asked them, “Why do you stare at us?” If our eyes are open, we will genuinely see the field and come to realize that everyone, everywhere, needs the Gospel. It is at this time that we can restore thanksgiving and become genuinely humble.
3. We will see things differently
Merely praying and realistically praying are different. It’s more important to factually know that you will receive answers and pray than knowing a method of how to pray. We won’t properly understand a great number of things if we see them with eyes of the flesh, but we can understand everything if we see them with spiritual eyes. We will receive true answers as we see God’s time schedule. That is when real prayers for world evangelization will begin.
° Forum Topic - Are you facing difficulties, surrounded by problems in your day to day reality? Deeply meditate on today’s message, enjoy Jesus Christ, who is the solver of all problems, and experience realistic faith and realistic prayer.
Core Training Message / 2009.7.18