Spirit of sonship
Romans 8:12~17 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #543 Simply Trusting Every Day (#342 in previous version)
The Bible says people who have not received salvation have received a spirit of fear. That is why fear can possess a person for no reason. People are filled with fear rather than faith. Fear can even become the standard in our lives. We may fear that we’re not living the way we should, or be scared because of money. But it doesn’t end there. People become very successful but they can’t stop the fear that grips them. However, a tremendous power has been given to us who have received the Spirit of sonship, the spirit of God.
1. A legal authority has been given to us
Saying that we have been given the Spirit of sonship means we have been given a legal authority. Sonship is the term used when people are not kin but legally adopted. As we have received the Spirit of sonship, we call our God Abba, Father. Because we have not received a spirit that makes us slaves to fear but the Spirit of sonship, we have a definite reason not to fear. Furthermore, because we have become children of God according to the law, we are bound to receive guidance by the Spirit of God. That is why there is no reason to fear. Why did God give this message to us through Paul? If you look at 1 John 4:18~19, it states that we have no reason to fear, but that Satan will continue to deceives us if we do and punishments and problems will result. Even though Job was a man of faith, Satan attacked him through worries and through fear. The worries in Job’s life became the channel by which Satan attacked. We must be able to enjoy to the fullest that we have become children of God.
2. God has given us factual authority right now
It says that we will have victory if we put to death the misdeeds of the body. In other words, authority has been given to us so that we can fight the spiritual battle. We are people who are spiritually indebted to God. That is why world evangelization is our only job and why finances and answers are all within that job. God did not abandon us as children of the devil, but called us as His children. We must boldly fight the forces of darkness and fight the spiritual battle.
3. An eternal authority has been given to us
We have been given an eternal authority, not an authority that disappears. Salvation does not change or disappear. The fact that the Holy Spirit indwells in us and is with us attests to the fact that we are children of God. It is said the Holy Spirit will be with us for all of eternity. In addition, we have been called as heirs of God with Christ.
°Forum Topic - We have received the Spirit of sonship. We are children of God. We are heirs of God with Christ. However, what is it that makes us fear? What is it that makes us afraid? Try deeply meditating upon the Word of God that you’ve been given today.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship 2nd Service / 2009.7.12