
The heart for our descendants with the Gospel

페이스북 공유 카카오톡 공유
The heart for our descendants with the Gospel

Acts 19:9~10 But some of them became obstinate; they refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way. So Paul left them. He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord. (9~10)

♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #391 A Wonderful Savior is Jesus My Lord (#446 in previous version)

 How can the Gospel be relayed to the entire world in the most accurate and fastest way possible? The youth (Remnants) lie at the heart of this question. Paul and the members of the Early Church knew this truth and plowed into the synagogues and lecture halls. At the time synagogues and lecture halls were where the next generation was nurtured. At present, the entire world is concentrating all its efforts in looking for people of talent. Preparing the Remnant Unity Training Center (RUTC) that will save the future generations is not a trivial or simple matter. The covenant and the future lies within it. We must stake our entire lives on laying the groundwork so our children can arise.

1. The future lies with the Remnants, the descendants who possess the Gospel
 An amazing future lies within our descendants, a future that includes the nearby future and stretches out to eternity. Jesus told the women who were trailing after him and weeping something filled with significance: “Do not weep for me, but weep for your children.” The first message Jesus gave after His resurrection was to “Feed my lambs.” Paul also referred to Timothy as “my son.”

2. Hidden finances lie within the descendants with the Gospel
 There are hidden disciples among the descendants with the Gospel who are capable of defeating the force of darkness. Isaiah 60 tells us, “Your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm. The wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.” That is why in Isaiah 62, God tells us to build up the highway and remove the stones, for the nations will return to us. All the important figures who gathered together in Romans 16 did their ministries centered on the synagogues and lecture halls. In Acts 19, Paul raised disciples separately in the Tyrannus lecture hall, and it was from this point on that the Word began to spread.

3. Culture lies within the descendants who have the Gospel
 Within our descendants who have the Gospel is the culture that can change the entire world. The movement Paul began in the synagogues and lecture halls grew so much it saved the entire region of Ephesus. If we have the heart to raise the future generations, these types of works will arise for us as well. Our descendants have something incredible inside of them. God will take responsibility for our churches, businesses, futures and health if we devote everything to the ministry of our descendants with the Gospel.

● Forum Topic - World evangelization lies in our futures. That is why it is imperative that we put down roots in the Gospel. Meditate about the kind of heart and devotion we must have for our children.

Business Industry Missions Message / 2009.7.11


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