The nation of Israel that went up Mount Sinai
Exodus 19:1~6 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.'' These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites." (5~6)
♬ Hymn for scheduled worship: Korean/English Hymnal #191 I''m Rejoicing Night and Day (#427 in previous version)
Several months after the Israelites came out from Egypt, God said that they should go up Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai was a location in the Bible that represented the covenant and contained great meaning. This was the place Moses first received his calling at the age of 80 and the mountain on which God gave new strength and a new covenant to Elijah, who was exhausted in his spiritual battle. This was the place in which Moses firmly confirmed the covenant he first received and relayed that grace to the people and the generations to come. Today, we must reflect upon ourselves, climb the mountain by which we can restore our commission while standing before God, restore our calling and grace, enjoy the mystery of salvation, and be clothed with the grace of God.
1. Come up the mountain
We all have our individual mountains, just like the time Moses first experienced God. There is a mountain of calling by which we realized the Gospel and had the change in our identity as children of God. There is a mountain of commission by which we come to understand evangelism and missions and the heart of God for the age. There is a mountain of blessings by which our hearts beat at the sound of the word ‘Remnant’ and by which we see the vision of world evangelization inside Gospel unity. Each person has their own mountain by which they can find their sense of identity. It is extremely important to go up this mountain and to possess this mystery by which we can discover who we are. There is one additional thing we must do when we climb up this mountain. We must grab hold of the evidences. We must grab hold of the evidences of the covenant given to us in our past, the evidences of the Word given though the works in the Bible, and the evidences of the Gospel given through the 7 Remnants and the lives of evangelists. The pulpit message given on Sundays is also evidence and this time in which we seek God is also a time of mystery when we grab hold of the evidences. May you come up to the mountain at this time.
2. God’s chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation
The covenant of God is proclaimed to the people of God who go up the mountain. This is the content of the blessings we should rightfully enjoy, along with the salvation that we have been granted. In addition, you must know the realistic works that happen in the lives of God’s chosen people. The Holy Spirit of God dwells inside of us and He makes us think of words to speak and work to do. The mystery of the royal priesthood is fulfilled in the places children of God go to inside the field. The forces of darkness will be bound in the places where the Lord receives the dew of His youth (Psalm 110:3). What is necessary here is a ‘life decision.’ It is correctly seeing our lives, studies and business before God during this one life we have to live. We are constantly moving closer to the cross of Jesus Christ, who has resolved all our problems. At this time, the mystery of the covenant becomes ours.
● Forum Topic - Do you have a personal mountain that contains spiritual meaning? May today be a day in which you go up your personal mountain, restore your sense of identity and grab hold of the evidences.
Immanuel Church Sunday Message 1st Service / 2009.06.21